Keeping people in housing should be a priority all year, but especially during the holiday season when the weather can be brutal and there is more cultural awareness around being home.

The holiday season can be a time of joy and wonder, but it can also be immensely stressful. With so much emphasis on togetherness, gathering, and being home, the subsequent needs surrounding one’s housing are intensified.  For some people, the holidays are even tougher because they have the additional worry of losing their housing.

Regardless of the season, there are many reasons why people may need help to maintain housing stability. Situations are known to create an additional financial burden include.

When anything on that list is paired with low-paying jobs, the problems can seem insurmountable. Since many Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck, affordable housing is more important than ever. If people are forced to spend all of one paycheck, they do not have the opportunity to save for the unexpected. Paying too much per month for large expenses like rent or a mortgage will not allow enough room to budget for other necessities, and largely contributes to housing instability.


Spending more than 30% of a paycheck on housing, including utilities, is not considered affordable and puts people at risk of losing housing.

Unfortunately, this time of year is without a doubt the hardest for people who need assistance to maintain stable housing. The holidays can be financially disastrous. It’s difficult to provide for the family when one doesn’t have the means to adequately cover the cost of necessities and may be on the brink of homelessness. If people cannot pay for the basics, they can’t afford things like gifts, travel, and holiday spending though the desire to do so may remain. Those dealing with this untenable situation struggle with the desire to bring comfort and joy while maintaining basic necessities including their housing needs.


Find Local Assistance

Luckily, there are housing assistance programs that can help you keep your home through the holidays. These programs provide resources for everything from food, to shelter, to basic necessities like winter clothes. These resources help millions of people every year. In fact, unmet housing needs are projected to fall because of federal funding programs. These housing strategies on the local level help in the way of eviction moratoriums and offer temporary housing solutions. You can also look for housing assistance to get back on your feet after losing your job or suffering an injury.

Housing insecurity reaches much further than an individual’s finances. It extends to other family members with stresses like children’s school readiness, health care access, and mental health, with problems continuing to span across Racial and ethnic disparities. According to the last set of data put out by the Household Pulse Survey, 57% of Latinx tenants and 41% of Black tenants have little or no confidence in their ability to pay November’s rent compared to 15% of white tenants. 

“Eviction turned our world upside down, and our displacement left lasting scars.”   U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro

If you’re in need of a place to live, there are a variety of housing organizations, both local and national, that can help you. With moratoriums and mortgage forbearance ending, more people are facing homelessness through evictions and foreclosures. If you’re on the verge of eviction or foreclosure, there may be programs in your area that can help keep you in your home.

Visit for more information on what steps Connecticut’s tenants can take to respond to eviction papers.

In addition to government programs, there are many that work with low-income families and the houseless to provide affordable housing options. Search for your state’s housing authority today. Don’t delay in reaching out to local housing and charity organizations to get housing assistance so you can enjoy this holiday season.  

As the end of the year approaches, many people are considering new places to live. unfortunately, some are forced to move due to financial issues. Whether you’re looking for a place where you can afford to live comfortably, or you’re just starting out on your own and need to find someplace safe and affordable, there are ways to find affordable housing if you know where to look, and assistance programs to get you on the road to stability. 

This holiday season may bring extra assistance through local giving but know there are options throughout the year.

Lend a Hand This Giving Season

During this season of giving, lend a helping hand if you are able. Get involved in one of the many local organizations and nonprofits that specialize in housing, both temporary and permanent.

“Although the holidays should be a time of joy for everyone, millions of our neighbors need a hand up to ensure that hope marches on this holiday season,”  -Commissioner Kenneth Hodder, National Commander of The Salvation Army

Your help could provide crucial assistance for individuals and families in dire need of not only affordable but safe housing for this and every season moving forward.

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