Jul 13, 2021 | Housing, Recovery Community Development
As a person strives towards recovery, one of the largest hurdles is found in the social groups the individual resides in. When surrounded by temptation, and the constant reminders for why one uses, the chances of successfully abstaining from addictive substances is...
Jun 29, 2021 | Housing, Recovery Community Development
The idea that housing is a “problem of the poor” is a concept that regularly circulates through communities across the US, but this is not an isolated issue. It isn’t something that affects only some members of the population. Cost-burdened renters have been...
Jun 13, 2021 | Recovery Community Development, Sober living
Addiction is a disease with far-reaching implications on the individuals struggling under its weight. It requires support, and resources to create better outcomes for addiction sufferers. Yet many who need help don’t receive it. Further, many won’t seek out the help...
May 30, 2021 | Housing, Recovery Community Development
Affordable housing is any housing that costs no more than 30% of a household’s gross income. The very idea that housing within these margins is an undesirable thing is quite absurd, yet doubts abound and communities, businesses, and other professionals rally against...
May 16, 2021 | Recovery Community Development, Sober living, tips
Alcoholism was described as a disease way back in the late 1700s by Dr. Benjamin Rush. Addiction is a brain disease marked by the inability to stop the use of alcohol or an addictive substance, regardless of the harm or negative consequences that result from its use....
May 5, 2021 | Recovery Community Development, Sober living, tips
In the last decade alone, the number of times the term “addictive personality” has been casually thrown about is impressive. It has become an addiction-concern loadstone for many individuals and impacted families. If one types into a search bar the question ‘Do I have...
Apr 29, 2021 | Recovery Community Development, Sober living, tips
As social creatures we seek out others for support and connection. But living in social groups also means adhering to social mores. It is natural for us to compare and model the behaviors of those around us. With a healthy understanding of moderation in all things,...
Apr 19, 2021 | Recovery Community Development, Sober living, tips
There are innumerable factors that contribute to the desire to get sober, and everyone’s reasons for pursuing sobriety are personal. Regardless the motivations that push us, the journey towards addiction recovery is not an easy road to follow by any stretch of the...
Apr 12, 2021 | Recovery Community Development, Sober living, tips
A common refrain amongst sober communities pairs two key pieces to sobriety success: cultivating a strong will and finding inspiration. One must desire a change in order to pursue the road to recovery, but pursuing such a course can seem insurmountably daunting....
Apr 6, 2021 | Recovery Community Development, Sober living
With a year of pandemic life behind us, it is no stretch of the imagination to connect the uptick in substance relapse to a number of heavy hitting factors facing Americans today. Between the affordable housing crisis, anxiety, and isolation, the backslide into...
Dec 7, 2020 | Recovery Community Development, Sober living
The opposite of addiction is not sobriety, it’s connection. The often parallel work of 12-step recovery programs and formalized addiction treatment programs — after the initial experience of detox — involves connections with other people. And not just any people...