Jul 29, 2022 | Housing, Recovery Community Development, resources, Sober living
Addiction recovery is a deeply challenging journey in and of itself, but without affordable housing options, it can feel almost impossible to manage. Moreover (emotions aside) statistics show that stable, supportive housing increases the positive outcomes of a...
May 24, 2022 | Housing, Recovery Community Development, resources, Sober living
Healing from substance use disorder is a lengthy process that takes far more than the typical 12 steps we’re used to. There’s just so much of life tangled up in addiction that it can be hard to account for all of it at once. For example, where in those 12 steps does...
Aug 24, 2021 | Housing, Recovery Community Development
Contrary to our growing understanding of addiction, the opinion that addiction is something that marks an individual as deserving of shame, ridicule, and punishment persists. Let’s be clear: addiction is not a moral failing. It is a complex and chronic condition that...
Aug 24, 2021 | Housing, Recovery Community Development
It should come as no surprise that one’s environment has a direct impact on the likelihood of sustained recovery. With an estimated 280,000 people in Connecticut alone suffering from Substance Abuse Disorder, it is not an insubstantial number of people and...
Jul 13, 2021 | Housing, Recovery Community Development
As a person strives towards recovery, one of the largest hurdles is found in the social groups the individual resides in. When surrounded by temptation, and the constant reminders for why one uses, the chances of successfully abstaining from addictive substances is...
Jun 29, 2021 | Housing, Recovery Community Development
The idea that housing is a “problem of the poor” is a concept that regularly circulates through communities across the US, but this is not an isolated issue. It isn’t something that affects only some members of the population. Cost-burdened renters have been...