Jan 28, 2022 | Recovery Community Development, resources, Sober living
For many in recovery, the battle for sobriety is a familiar struggle, and one that cycles back time and time again. The challenges that arise and the hurdles to overcome can seem insurmountable at times, especially in periods of instability like we all currently face....
Dec 19, 2021 | Recovery Community Development, resources, Sober living
Keeping people in housing should be a priority all year, but especially during the holiday season when the weather can be brutal and there is more cultural awareness around being home. The holiday season can be a time of joy and wonder, but it can also be immensely...
Sep 7, 2021 | Recovery Community Development, Sober living
The notion that addiction recovery is a pass or fail situation is terribly detrimental to those seeking recovery. Relapse happens – especially when a person with substance use disorder ends up without support and safe community connections. In fact, it is...
Aug 24, 2021 | Housing, Recovery Community Development
Contrary to our growing understanding of addiction, the opinion that addiction is something that marks an individual as deserving of shame, ridicule, and punishment persists. Let’s be clear: addiction is not a moral failing. It is a complex and chronic condition that...
Aug 24, 2021 | Housing, Recovery Community Development
It should come as no surprise that one’s environment has a direct impact on the likelihood of sustained recovery. With an estimated 280,000 people in Connecticut alone suffering from Substance Abuse Disorder, it is not an insubstantial number of people and...
Aug 10, 2021 | Recovery Community Development, Sober living
As a defense mechanism, denial has its uses. It can provide a layer of protection – a buffer – between oneself, and the thing that is causing stress and fear to escalate. Having a reprieve from dealing with or accepting the reality of a vulnerable...